PC Media 22
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RawRip v. 3.0 - By Mike Negus
First read the DMPEG.DOC file to learn how a RAW file should be created from
an MPEG. Once you have created a RAW file with DMPEG (either 8 or 24-bit with
the -d4 option) you can run it through my RawRip program to create a DIB, TGA,
or RAW sequence.
The 24-bit RAW and TGA (TARGA by Truevision) sequence files can be edited by
any editor supporting these formats and then reread by CMPEG again to recreate
a bitmap. In effect you can decompress an MPEG edit it and the recompress it.
The DIB files which my program can also create is compatible with the BMP file
format. This sequence can then be used by Microsoft's Video for Windows to
create an AVI or each DIB file can be edited by any Bitmap editor. You will
need the full VFW in order to create an AVI. The VIDEDIT utility will read in
DIB files.
There are three options that I've incorporated with this program. The first is
a promote option that will take an 8-bit RAW file created by DMPEG and
automatically create 24-bit sequence files instead of 8-bit ones. 24-bit files
are supported by CMPEG and the 8-bit TGA and RAW files would not work.
Another option is the start frame option which allows you to start conversion at
whatever frame in the sequence you choose.
The other is a lightness option which lets you lighten up the sequence if it is
too dark. The range of this option is from 0 to 255. 255 lightens the most
and will give a bunch of white frames. I've allowed numbers greater than
255 because it creates "neat" effects like a negative does. Try a lightness
factor of 450 or 1000 to see what I mean.
To use RAWRIP you need to use the command:
rawrip <filename.raw> [t<type>] [p] [s#] [l#]
filename.raw = The RAW that you want to rip.
t<type> = You have three choices "td" for DIB sequence, "tt" for TGA
sequence, "tr" for RAW sequence. Default is "td".
p = promotes an 8-bit RAW to a 24-bit sequence. Default is no promotion.
s# = starting frame #. "s29" will start at frame 29 counting from 0. So
actually it is frame 30 that it starts at. Frames start at 0 by default.
l# = lightness factor. Range is from 0-255 and lightens the sequence. I found
this useful at times so I left it in. Try a number > 255 and cool
things happen to the colors of the images.
for example:
rawrip test.raw
Creates DIB files starting at frame 0 w/no lightness factor and no promotion
to 24-bit.
avirip test.avi TT P S50 L30
Creates TGA files starting at frame 50 and using a lightness factor of 30.
If test.avi is 8-bit then 24-bit sequence TGA files are created.
Both commands create a test.txt file with a listing of sequence names. But
the last one creates a batch file to make an MPEG since CMPEG compatible
TGA files were created.
I had a lot of fun making this program and figuring out the DIB/BMP formats so
this is FREE to whoever wants it. If you have a program that creates MPEG's
or does what my program does but better AND IS SHAREWARE then please post it on
the INTERNET for others like myself to get and use.
-Mike Negus
E-MAIL: men0348@isc.rit.edu